2024 Action for Impact grant awards


What an Impact!

The 2024 Action for Impact grants program made history this year by awarding almost $740,000 to 52 Monroe County nonprofits. Grants from this round will be used make an actionable impact in our community in the next year – expanding access to healthcare, especially for women and children; ensuring our children have access to quality arts and culture; keeping our community fed and housed; educating future generations about our unique environment and ecosystem; and so much more. We congratulate all of the nonprofits receiving grants and look forward to sharing your stories of impact!

You might be wondering, where does all of this funding come from? This year’s historic grant awards cycle is truly a story of collective giving and we’d like to thank all of our Future Fund donors and our donor-advised fundholders who helped make this happen. About half of the funding was from our Florida Keys Future Fund, which is where our own year-end campaign is focused. The other half was funded from donors with donor-advised funds who were inspired by the work of our nonprofits. Together, we were able to meet more needs than ever before and offer more support than we could have on our own.

For a full list of grantees, visit cffk.org/grants.

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