Pascal’s Way Fund

Be Kind, Do Good, Take Action!

The Pascal’s Way Fund was created to forever honor the legacy of Pascal Weisberger by supporting the causes that were closest to his heart – science, the environment, animals, and community – and creating scholarship opportunities for youth with a similar philosophy of community service, kindness and taking action to make our world better.

Pascal was born with amazing abilities but also faced significant challenges and the many accomplishments he had over time, did not come easy. During his early years Pascal had difficulty communicating and socializing with peers and in preschool was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Thankfully, with strong support from his caring family, wonderful teachers and specialized services, over time, Pascal overcame his issues to become an outgoing young man with a close group of wonderful friends, and many notable achievements.

During his years living in the Upper Keys, Pascal made great strides, growing in confidence, abilities, and remarkable achievement, especially considering the difficulties he faced earlier in life. He went from having difficulty talking, to making speeches; from being afraid of the water, to being a snorkeler; from being timid, to being an adventurer; from struggling with running, to competing in 5K races; from being scared of dogs, to volunteering at an animal shelter; and from playing by himself, to having many cherished friendships.

Pascal lived life to its fullest, was good natured, cheerful, affectionate and caring, including to all creatures on land and in the sea. He loved our world and wanted to protect the environment, which he advocated for by conducting STEM Fair projects on plastic pollution, protesting the negative effects of plastics on the marine environment and advocating for better practices in our Keys communities. He also developed an interest in animal welfare and devoted countless hours of time volunteering with the Upper Keys Humane Society in Key Largo, where he assisted with any and all tasks that were needed to care for the animals there.

As a Scout and an exceptionally empathetic young man, Pascal sought to be of help in his community in every way possible and from the time he was young, assisting with a wide variety of events, cleanups and many other types of service projects. Consistent with his extraordinary focus on service to others, his passion to care for animals led him to envision a career as a veterinarian.

His short and impactful life was defined by his kindness to all, his willingness to contribute himself to helping and protecting the environment and the animals within, his community and our world. #Pascals Way

About Your Community Foundation

The Community Foundation of the Florida Keys manages over 200 funds and endowments throughout the Keys and is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit (EIN #65-0648968). Since 1996, the Community Foundation has been helping individuals and families leave a legacy in the Keys by inspiring giving and by investing in people and solutions to benefit every resident from Key Largo to Key West. Over $38 million in grants have been made to student scholarships, arts and culture, beautification and preservation of the Keys, health and human services, hurricane relief, and youth programs. The Community Foundation, In Paradise For Good, celebrated its 25th year in 2021. CFFK is known for its signature “Unsung Heroes” event which honors nonprofit volunteers. For more information, call (305) 292-1502 or click here.

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